Inside Manhattan’s Doomsday Cult Next Door: Inside the secret society that believes followers have thousands of past lives and came from an Aryan race in Atlantis
- November 4, 2014
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Source: The Daily Mail
Residents of a New York City neighborhood can count a cult among their many neighbors, according to a report.
The Congregation for the Light calls Manhattan’s Murray Hill area home and preaches the impending end of days and the power of karmic retribution to men and women who believe they descend from an Aryan super race that once populated Atlantis, reports the New York Post.
With all the hallmarks of a cult, it’s no surprise ‘the Light,’ as its 200 members call it, also has some disenchanted former members spreading tales of its sinister side.
Former member Paul Arthur Miller described to the Post a young adulthood full of indentured servitude in leader Tom Baer’s furniture factory, physical training for a doomsday that never seemed to come and a culture of homophobia.
‘The belief is that Planet Earth will be ending soon and we would have to defend our people and safeguard our food and supplies,’ 58-year-old Miller recalled to the Post.