The Green Horse Rides: The Blood Games Begin
- May 7, 2016
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by Wendy Wallace
In issue 8 of Paranoia, we examined the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (the first four of the Seven Seals of Revelation Chapter 6 of the Bible) in relation to the last days implementation of a New World Order. The Four Horsemen are unique to Bible prophecy, as is the anti-Christ, for whom they prepare the world. I presented the conclusion that we were in the Third Seal, the black horse, and that the Fourth Seal was soon to be opened. In the six years since, my understanding of the color-coded key to the cryptocracy revealed in the Four Horsemen has changed somewhat, and has taken on depth and breadth. With the events of 9/11 it would seem that the dreaded fourth horseman has begun its ride.
“And when He had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say Come and see. And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given them over the fourth of the earth to kill with sword and with hunger and with death and with the beasts of the earth.”
Bill Cooper’s Horse of Death
The fourth horse vaulted into public awareness with the publication of William Cooper’s 1991 book, “Behold, A Pale Horse.” In October 2001, within a month of the release of the horse he’d helped to make famous, William Cooper was dead, killed under suspicious and unclear circumstances by one of an unspecified number of local county sheriffs who decided (or were told) that 12:15 a.m. was an appropriate time to execute service of a local warrant. Or something.
Cooper used the figure of the “pale horse” mytho-poetically, whereas here we’ll be looking at it from the Biblical/historical aspect of the first three horsemen. It’s clear from the scriptural context that the horses and riders are spirits. As each horse is released into the world, the previous ones do not cease, but rather gain power as all ride together to the end of days.
Early Green Growth
Although the color of the fourth horse is written as “pale” in English, in the original Greek it is “chloros,” or GREEN. As with the other colors, we see the color of the horse emerging socio-politically well before it’s loosed. The “GREEN run” intentional release of radiation in Hanford, Washington was in 1949. “Little GREEN men” said to be our space-brothers from other planets have been in the news for decades. The GREEN Berets gained notoriety during the Viet Nam era. Mr. GREENspan has been the most visible manipulator of GREEN money since 1987, when he took over as Chairman of the “Federal” Reserve Board. The GREEN-tailed comet Hale-Bopp crossed our skies through the constellation of Pegasus, “the horse of the opening,” in 1997.
On the GREEN environmental front, the GREEN Party originated in Germany in the 1970s and opened in the U. S. in the 80s, and the International GREEN Cross was founded by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1993. GREENhouse gases have been one of their major concerns. The Dalai Lama has extolled the environment-friendly goddess GREEN Tara as “Arya Tara who symbolizes the activity of all the Buddhas …” and now is on a CD doing a mantra to her, as part of “A Multi Cultural Journey of Spirit.” The philosophy of the religio-environmental groups is summed up by Gorbachev, who states: “We need a new system of values, a system of the organic unity between mankind and nature and the ethic of global responsibility.” Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Rockefeller-appointed first Director of the Trilateral Commission, said that genuine globalization will be achieved by progressive regionalization.” [as in NAFTA, GATT, APEC, European Union, and more to come, as reported by Bob Chapman in his 12/28/2001 THE INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER .
Globalism falls under the domain of the luminescent GREEN star AstarX, the “sign” of an announcing vision, an alternative “Logos” “where the conscience and the cosmos meet.” GREEN is the highest color of Satanism, and the “GREEN Man” of the Druids and neo-pagans is Satan himself. Malcolm Muggeridge in his autobiography has resurrected Leo Tolstoy’s Legend of the GREEN Stick, by the secret of which “the world would be swept up by love and by all the good things that love would bring.” GREEN is said to be the color of the fourth, or Heart Chakra, the opening of which, New Agers assert, will propel us into the “quantum leap” of consciousness and the “New Age.” I suspect it will, as the desire and ability for critical thinking continues to erode, emotions and sensations become our raisons d’etre, and the anti -Christ/ ImamMahdi/ Bhoddisatva/ Avatar/ Maitreya/ “Messiah” himself emerges as the focus of mankind’s fears, hopes and vain imaginations. Maurice Strong, Barbara Marx Hubbard , David Spangler, Robert Mueller – all the powerful and their peons promoting the “New Paradigm” – are anticipating a great purging of the earth, an unprecedented exercise in population control, prior to the institution of the “Age of Aquarius,” as a new bumper sticker (in GREEN on white) demonstrates: “Famine, War, Pestilence, & Death…SADDLE UP”.
GREEN is the color associated with the deep layers of mind-control said to have been developed from the Cabala by “the Angel of Death,” Joseph Mengele, who was known to his victims as “Dr. GREEN” or Dr. GREENbaum.” In the cybergame of DeltaGREEN, “Majestic” has developed a GREEN, bio-luminescent drug called “JUMP JUMP” that temporarily activates the dying into a killing frenzy, obviously based on recent work Canadian scientists have done in creating totally pain-free mice which suffer no pain even when subjected to heat, pressure and injections. One might imagine a dilution had been introduced into the U.S. in the first few days after the attack, given the mindless bloody patriotism that engulfed the U.S. hive.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
We’ll examine the 9/11 indicators of the release of the fourth horse shortly, but it’s necessary first to quickly review the first three and their riders since the 18th century. The first spirit, as I see it, is “Deception,” the second is “War,” the third is “Lawlessness” or “Iniquity,” and the fourth is the spirit of anti-Christ, with its fruits of “Death” and “Hell.”
The risen Jesus Christ opens the Seven Seals, of which the first four are the infamous “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” as a warning to the world of impending judgment. John’s report of the first vision (Revelation 6:1,2) reads: And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts say, Come and see. And I saw, and behold, a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering and to conquer.”
The Four Horsemen and the Fifth Seal (Revelation 6:1-11) are paralleled in Matthew 24:1-14, a portion of the “Olivet Discourse.” That the figure upon the first horse is the spirit of “Deception” is clear from a comparison with Matthew 24:3-5. His disciples ask Jesus, .”… what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many.”
The White Horse’s Lies
Deception has been immensely popular with humankind ever since the Garden of Eden, but man’s willingness to be deceived and the power of the implements and implementers of deception made huge strides in 1776, and the release of that spirit for its eventual conquest was spotlighted by its connection with the color WHITE. During this period of time, the locus of world power shifted from the East toward the West, from the dark-skinned to the WHITE-skinned peoples, and although the horsemen circle the entire globe, much of their obvious activity is birthed in what was, at the time, the primarily Caucasian “First World.”
In 1776, the “illumined ones” (the WHITE Brotherhood), formed the Bavarian Illuminati under the leadership of Adam Weishaupt (WHITE chief) to prepare the world for their spiritual leader, Lucifer, a.k.a. Satan, the “father of lies,” known to Cabalists as the WHITE head. This dream of world conquest is currently pursued by the Council of Foreign Relations among others, whose symbol is a man on a WHITE horse. George Washington rode his WHITE horse at Valley Forge, where he had his famous vision (presented by a female angel, of which God has none) of clouds of WHITE spirits coming to rescue the United States from its “third peril,” and was reassured by the [fallen] angel that although the Union would eventually suffer a nearly fatal calamity, “While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the union last.”
The concept of Manifest Destiny, though not named as such until 1845, was a foundational philosophy of the WHITE settlers of America, and is being imposed with warring enthusiasm today. The WHITE man’s goal of hegemony was put to poetry in 1899 by Rudyard Kipling in his imperialistic opus, The WHITE Man’s Burden.”
Coup on Christianity
We’ll quickly sketch three arenas of deception, not necessarily in order of importance, that began during this era and have since deluded most of the human race. The first was an ornate piece of chicanery wherein Freemasons, Cabbalists, Deists and misled or faux Christians substituted their system for Biblical Christianity in the mass mind. Thus, Jesus Christ and true Christians have been blamed throughout history for the actions of those who adhere to what I’ll call “Christianism.” Catholicism and Biblical Christianity are not the same religion, though the media almost invariably equate them. The Pope is the highest authority of the former, and Jesus Christ of the latter. Therefore, it is erroneous to attribute the Crusades, the Inquisition, the massacres and exploitation of Columbus, and other atrocities committed by the Roman Catholic Church to Christians.
The monotheistic religions do not worship the same Deity under different names, as the perpetual propaganda would have it, nor do Hindus, Buddhists, Wiccans, et.al. This One-World Religion implicitly accepted by most of our “founding fathers” has come to the fore in the ceremonial public prayer processings since the events of 9/11, and is the seed of the religion of the anti-Christ. Real Christians do not seek to rule governments any more than Christ or his disciples did, as a careful reading of Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17 will indicate. The requirements for politics and the fundamental imperatives of Christianity are utterly incompatible. “For here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come” (Hebrews 13:14). A Christian’s role in government consists of praying for the leaders and obedience to the laws (such as the one about only Congress declaring war, for instance; or the one about presumption of innocence, or the one about “due process”).
Bible-believing, Fundamentalist Christians do not suppose for a moment that they can “rid the world of evil,” for they know that only happens when Christ returns. Nor do they kill for oil, drugs, gold, power or revenge. They don’t kill “heretics.” Indeed, they don’t intentionally kill at all – even in self-defense (Matthew 16:25; Philippians 2:14,15; Romans 12:17).
Christians do not fancy, as did so many early settlers, and the Dominionists and the “Christian Coalition” of today, that they can establish a Christian theocracy – a “New Jerusalem.”
The second deception was Darwinian evolutionism, a scientifically impossible and self-contradicting theory of the origins of the Universe and the emergence of human beings on planet earth. Darwin began his work on “The Origin of the Species” on the Isle of WIGHT – sounds like WHITE. This unsubstantiated theory, usually presented as fact, has become so ingrained a conviction that even a man of considerable intellect such as Robert Park, who effortlessly identifies “Voodoo Science” by its incompatibility with those Laws, yet firmly believes in evolutionism, not able to recognize that by his own definition it is the quintessential “voodoo science.” This hasn’t dampened its appeal in the least, however, because it offers an explanation, however shoddy, of “all and everything” which appears to unshackle the individual from responsibility to a Creator God. He then feels free to follow after the prime directive of The Satanic Bible, “Do what thou wilt is the whole of the Law” (frequently updated and promulgated through slogans such as “If it feels good, do it,” “Do your own thing,” “Follow your heart,” “It’s all good,” etc.).
Darwin’s delusion gave an air of scientific legitimacy to racism, and resulted in a now respectable enthusiasm for eugenics : a word coined from the Greek root for “well born” by Francis Galton, a cousin of Darwin’s, in 1883 to describe a proposed methodology of improving the human race by controlling and manipulating reproduction and removing “inferior” genes from the gene pool. Eugenics was eagerly embraced by the intellectuals of the day, who determined to get rid of the “undesirables” of humanity, among which were “paupers,” “drunkards,” and the “feebleminded,” loosely defined. So loosely defined in private, all WHITE gatherings, that those who ought to be eliminated include pretty much everyone who had a darker skin, less money, and less clout than the proponents of eugenics, with just enough of the detritus left around to staff a global plantation.
The elimination of the “inferior races” proceeds apace: the “useless eaters” are dying by the thousands every day from starvation, hypothermia and disease, with a little help from their well born “friends.” Twelve million children a year die of starvation. Three to four million children in the “developing world” under the age of five die every year from preventable conditions, according to WHO. Nearly 90% of these deaths occur in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Coincidentally, these are the inferior “races” according to the eugenicists, who operate under the delusion that there is such a thing as “races.” According to God, there is but one human race: we are all one blood (Acts 17:25). The genetic differences between individuals run around .06%, and between races, .012%. This was independently validated in 1987, when researchers Allan Wilson, Rebecca Cann and Mark Stoneking of the University of California-Berkeley claimed that they had traced the mtDNA 200,000 years back to the oldest female ancestor of humans – an African woman dubbed Eve. Genetic data from dozens of researchers has since confirmed the theory, and tracked male DNA back to just one male progenitor. But neither science nor God have been allowed to impinge on the virulent racism of the Darwinian eugenicists.
Absolute Opinion
The third well-received deception had to do with the Word of God, the Holy Bible. For 1500 years all the translations of the Bible accepted by Christians were drawn from the “Textus Receptus,” until Westcott and Hort, two non-Christian poseurs, introduced manuscripts which had been rightly rejected as garbage for centuries: corrupted scraps out of apostate sects in Alexandria, Egypt. The resultant “Revised Standard Version” was only the first of a plethora of man-made (and copyrighted) “versions” of God’s Word. This abandonment of Absolute Truth was foundational not only for today’s wildly apostate church, but also of relativism, post-modernism, deconstructionism, and doublespeak, whereby the very concept of “Absolute Truth” has been entirely deconstructed from the conditioned mass mind and a pernicious narcissism precludes any reality that is not solipsistic. Never mind the logical contradiction in the statement “What is true is that there is no absolute truth”: logic is an obsolete discipline anyway, based on the primitive myth that there is a supreme Logos.
Man’s natural love for easy lies over hard truth has been carefully stimulated and nurtured by what Michael Hoffman aptly terms “alchemical processing,” by which we become complicit in obvious lies by ignoring them, and thus ever more heedless of truth. The logical consequence of believing that truth doesn’t matter is that lies don’t matter, either. “Whatever.” The spirit of deception is surely getting paid overtime since 9/11 for its unprecedented work in religion, politics and finances, but will crescendo through the Seals, the Trumpets and the Vials when, under the “strong delusion” of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 , every individual who hasn’t a love of truth will accept the anti-Christ, Satan himself, as their “Savior,” and the true Messiah as their enemy. This reversal is taking place rapidly even now in the collective [un]consciousness. One evidence is that, thanks to Christianism, Christianity is the only religion that it’s chic to denigrate, to parody, and to find intolerable. Another evidence is that Christians are persecuted unto death over most of the globe (150,000 last year) and always have been.
Red Horse of Rebellion and War
The second, RED, horse began its ride circa the turn of the 20th century.
“And when He had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was RED: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given to him a great sword.” (Revelation 6:3,4).
“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.”…..(Matthew 24:7a).
I had previously thought that each Seal would reach a sort of “fulfillment” before the next one opened, but as we’re actually in this transition, I get a picture of the previous horsemen being funneled into a huge dryer, being joined by the newest arrival, and tumbling about violently for a period of years before they all emerge and ride on in unison. All the parameters of the prior horse may not be fully in place before the next one rides, and the colors of the oncoming horse emerge well before the signal event occurs which releases the next horseman. The “Come and see,” or signal event, of the RED Horse was probably “Bloody Sunday” in January of 1905 at the palace of Tsar Nicholas of Russia. RED Communism was established in Russia in the Revolution of 1917, and the Tsarist flag was replaced by a yellow hammer and sickle on a field of bright RED. The leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution were financed and trained in part by the Rockefellers (Roche-veld: RED covering) and the Rothschilds (RED shield).
Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin and Marx were all passionate fans of Darwinism, and in their zeal to prove themselves “fittest,” they managed to kill between 60 and 100 million of the less-equipped-to-survive. This period, through World War 1, saw nascent mind control, applied eugenics, chemical-biological warfare, and ruthless Capitalism and its enablers: buying on credit, advertising, and “Public Relations” – perpetual propaganda which now passes for “News.” The “great sword” given to the demon on the RED horse was the hydrogen bomb, followed by the atom bomb. “Master D.K.,” Alice Bailey’s familiar spirit, informed her that the inspiration for the atomic bomb came from “the “Ashram of the First Ray” the color of which is said to be RED/BLACK. The horses ride abreast, and government-sponsored media deception has played a major role in every war. Indeed, as Madame Blavatsky said, “In order to rule men, it’s necessary to deceive them.” The spirit of Rebellion and War will culminate at the Battle of Armageddon, when the remaining armies of the world gather to attempt to kill Jesus Christ yet again.
Black Horse, Black Operative
“The Great War,” thought at the time to be the one and only, soon led to World War 2, and the opening of the Third Seal.
“And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.” (Revelation 6:5,6). .”…and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places” (Matthew 24:7b).
The color BLACK, denoting the spirit of Iniquity, or Lawlessness, had, like the other colors, made an early appearance: at the beginning of World War 1 when the BLACK Hand organization assassinated Archduke Ferdinand. With the release of the third horseman, the color BLACK gains preeminence. The “Come and see” was Mussolini’s BLACKshirts, i fasci di combattimento, primitive predecessors of the WTO, who, financed by the Bank of England and wealthy art-lovers in the United States, soaked the streets of Italy with the blood of working men. Mussolini’s proclamation, “Fascism is Corporatism” is currently being enforced all over the globe by the iron fist minus the velvet glove. “Law is force in disguise,” and the disguise is no longer necessary for a nation of puddingheads steeped in the lethal liqueurs of 24/7 propaganda and entertaining distractions.
The Third Reich called its brand of Fascism “Nazism,” and adopted the Skull and Bones insignia of the occult Thule Brotherhood of Death. Its flag of WHITE, RED, and BLACK signified the working of all three unleashed demons. In 1947, the morphing, foreboding Men in BLACK made their first appearance. In the 1950’s the mysterious U.N. meditation room with its BLACK sacrificial altar was established. That BLACK was the color of the era was reinforced with the rise of the “BLACK Power” movement in the 60’s. In the 1980’s, the Anarchist Red Cross group, which had changed its name to the Anarchist BLACK Cross Federation, formed its first U.S. Chapter. The silent and somber vigils of Women in BLACK began in 1988. Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln, and Laurence Gardner, have been most prolific during the third seal in exposing (and, in their apparent Gnosticism, often extolling) the maneuverings of the Merovingians, the BLACK nobility, from which legendary lineage the anti-Christ may emerge.
Third Seal Code
In 1992 Dubya’s dad, George H.W. Bush, of the CIA division of the BLACK Rose, gave an inconspicuous notice of the presence of the black horse when he was Prez, by refusing to put a tariff on rapeseed oil and Chardonnay wine, thereby “hurting not the oil and the wine” in the most material sense. In the larger sense, the “oil and wine” refers to the merged “rich men of the earth,” who are now in the final phase of their scheme for global tyranny. Those who’ve searched out the matter have been inundated with news of BLACK helicopters, BLACK Ops, BLACK Bag operations, BLACK-garbed SWAT teams, BLACK engineering, BLACK Sciences, the BLACK Pope of the Jesuits, the BLACK Arts of the Occult, the financial sources and purposes of the BLACK budget, and on and on. The Gulf War (led by General Schwartzkopf, whose name means BLACK head) was for control of BLACK oil. Capitalism as practiced is essentially a pyramid scheme, which continually requires “fresh blood” to provide strategic locations, more resources, and more markets. None of the “wars” the United States has engaged in has been lawfully declared by Congress since WW2, thereby making them all “Lawless.”
“A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny” translates to a day’s work buying the day’s food. A day’s wages for a day’s subsistence is already the case over most of the globe. According to UNICEF statistics of 1997-98, approximately four and a half billion people (over 2/3 of the world population) struggle to survive on $2.00 or less a day. But those are the “lucky” ones: in many areas there is little food, money or work to be found, which is almost always the situation for the refugees created by wars. At the beginning of 2000 an estimated 14 million people were living as trans-national refugees. Millions more have been created since then, forced to depend on sporadic droppings from the wealthy of the world.
An estimated 30 million souls are internally displaced – the number may be even higher. Refugee camps are breeding grounds for terrorists – millions of souls convinced they have nothing to lose. Surely all these desperate and helpless peoples would delight to find themselves on the Terrorist target list – tagged for the yellow bombs and look-alike peanut butter and Pop-Tarts packs of “liberation” scattered amongst the landmines and cluster bombs, like those so graciously extended to the citizens of Afghanistan.
If the “oil and wine” symbolize the “rich men of the earth,” as is generally taught, then they most certainly are not being hurt: The net worth of 10 billionaires is greater than the combined national income of the forty-eight poorest countries combined. Yet it’s estimated that the cost of achieving and maintaining universal access to basic education, basic health care, adequate food, and clean water and safe sewers for all is roughly $40 billion a year: less than 4% of the combined wealth of the 225 richest people in the world.
The situation in Kamp America is rapidly deteriorating. Approximately 27.6% of working Americans cannot afford adequate nutrition and housing for their families, while 13.5 million (7.4%) have no home at all during at least part of their lives, and their food supply is spotty, at best. Continuing claims for unemployment by people who cannot find work are nearly four million. Nearly two million people lost their jobs in 2001, and at least one and a half million more are expected in 2002. Sixty percent of American families spend more than their after-tax income, so we can assume that many of the newly jobless are mortgaged to the hilt, maxed out on plastic, and have no savings (the average American family’s savings rate was minus 1% in the year 2000).
The number of families with children who lived in extreme poverty and yet receive no welfare rose 16 percent in 2001, and is still rising. Clinton did speak the truth when he said he would “end welfare as we know it.” The full effects of Argentina’s default ($156 billion), Enron’s dastardly demise (estimated at $200 billion), and the events of 9/11 are being concealed, but if I’m correctly understanding the Third Seal and the plans of the elite, then America, Australia, Canada and Europe must be brought to “Third World” status in order to make global dictatorship not only possible but welcomed. “You needn’t move to the Third World, the Third World is coming to you” (Time Nov. 28,1994, p.96). Or, as phrased by Maurice Strong at the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in ’92, “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring about?”
The collapse is gaining speed: according to a Junum report of April 12, 2001: Since the end of the last recession (1989-1991), the Federal Reserve reports that the total installment consumer debt rose from $731 billion in 1992 to about $1.653 trillion today. Credit card debt had risen from $292 billion in 1992 to $654 billion at the end of 2000, compared to only $50 billion in 1980. The national debt is nearly 6 trillion dollars, over $91,000 per U.S. family, and increasing around the rate of 464 million dollars a day. So far, “America’s New War” has cost a billion dollars a month, borrowed from the Fed, which is printing the playmoney at top speed, and a budget deficit of 105 billion is projected for this year. A basic axiom of economics is “What you borrow, you must repay,” and payback’s a bitch.
Robert Chapman of “The International Forecaster” said in his December 28 Newsletter: “The elitists must have America in a stagnant state of recession/depression in order to convince the masses that that the only answer to their deteriorating way of life is world government.” Based on his analysis of Foreign Affairs, the official organ of the CFR, he expects it to be in place by 2008. Doug McIntosh, in his article entitled “The Horsemen of the Economic Apocalypse,” closes by saying, “Buy gold and silver and prepare for an alternative economic system to the one collapsing around us.” Nick Guarino, in his December 2001 Wall Street Underground, says, “Wall Street is not going to tell you that it’s more than just an economic slowdown but a wipe-out of epic proportions.”
The January 2002 Richebacher Letter says , “This is a virtual Pandora’s box of interrelated and interdependent bubbles, and the one thing that is keeping all these bubbles afloat is the illusion of an imminent V-shaped recovery and blind faith in the magic of Mr. GREENspan.” Of course, “perpetual war for perpetual peace” can be a powerful booster shot in the rump of the economy, as corporations get the contracts to rebuild what they’ve destroyed.
The Scales of [In]justice
The scales of Justice (the balances) have been in the hands of the demon rider of the black horse since a cabal of lawyers assisted Hitler in the formation of the Third Reich. This won’t come as a shock (except perhaps a shock of recognition) to those who’ve been aware of the momentous and continuous miscarriages of justice, both nationally and internationally, that mark our era. John Simpson, World Affairs Editor of BBC, in the 1999 television series he titled “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” highlights “organized transnational crime” in his third horseman report, and a case might be made that most governments of the world are now organized crime syndicates. As William Greider explains in “Who will tell the People,” “To say that the government is lawless does not mean that the laws are never enforced or never obeyed. Of course they are. It means that law is applied with such randomness that its reliability is betrayed.”
Think: McCarthyism; J. Edgar Hoover; Watergate; Kennedy and King assassination cover-ups; MK-Ultra; Iran-Contra; Mena, Arkansas; Waco; Vince Foster; corporate welfare; environmental “clean-up” judgments; over 13,000 Executive Orders since 1907; dissolution of Posse Comitatus; year 2000 election antics; the Bush-els of cash re-allocated in the S & L Collapse; 59 billion “lost” from HUD, $1.3 trillion from the DOD, and $10 billion from the Indian Trust Fund with no one held responsible, while moneyless miscreants are cast into the ever-growing prison population; the forfeiture “laws”; yet another illegal “war”; abolition of due process and habeus corpus; 136 new laws that will cost taxpayers $733 billion, and the current evisceration of the Bill of Rights via the “Patriot Act,” for starters. Add your own favorites. Any question?
The spirit of the third horseman will gain in strength and influence until Christ returns to earth at Armageddon and establishes justice. It’s under the reign of our present emper – (s’cuse me) – President, who would seem to be highly favored by the aforementioned spirit-riders, that the first three horsemen have gained enough power for the Fourth to explode on the scene: the spirit of anti-Christ, and the fearsome riders of Death and Hell.
Primary Colors: Green Horse, Red Blood
“And when He had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say Come and see. And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given them over the fourth of the earth to kill with sword and with hunger and with death and with the beasts of the earth.” “All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:8).
“We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.” Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in Foreign Affairs (July/August 1995)
The events of 9/11 may not have been the signal event opening the Fourth Seal, but if they weren’t, I can’t imagine what would be. Of course, I couldn’t have imagined the events of 9/11, either.
The Fourth Seal is the final warning before all Hell breaks loose on earth (literally) during the final seven years of this age, and as such, will bring deception, wars, lawlessness, natural catastrophes, famine and depopulation to an extreme never seen since Noah’s flood. As Hubbard, speaking for the Luciferian elite, writes in her “Co-Creation”: “We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse “Death.” We come to bring death to those who are unable to know God.” Of course, she’s got the wrong “God,” but hers will be on quite a roll, “seeking whom he may devour” before the real One arrives.
What happened on 9/11 was not only a global “Come and see,” but was deeply GREEN on a symbolic level, as the ostensibly Islamic “terrorists” impacted the financial center of the United States. GREEN is the color of Islam, and the color assigned to finances, so what we had was an explosion of GREEN on GREEN. And I looked, and behold, a pale [GREEN} horse, and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. Two faces were seen and photographed in the smoke of the twin towers that day. The first was a mask-like depiction of the sardonic rictus of death, and the second was likened to Satan. I suggest they were the faces of Death and Hell.
While the purportedly unanticipated attack of 9/11 did fall within the dates of the anniversary of the much-despised Camp David Accords of 1978, the occultic indicators of an Illuminist action far outweighed anything Al Qaeda or the Taliban are likely to have dreamed up. The two planes impacted 18 minutes apart – that’s three sixes, 666, designating the sign of the anti-Christ. The number 9, as in 9/11, is also a coded 666, as 6&6&6 is 18, and 1 plus 8 is 9. An inordinate amount of “11’s” has been noted in regard to the attack. Even “George Bush the Second” has an 11 in it, on keyboards that don’t have Roman numerals 11 is the number of “Chaos,” which is to birth the New World Order, in consonance with the Masonic/ Cabbalist principle of “Ordo ab Chaos,” or ‘Let us do evil that good may come”; the elitist principle that the end justifies the means. 11 is also the number of the “Aquarian Age,” during which, according to occultists and elitists, the Piscean Age of Jesus Christ is replaced by the Dawn of the Age of Aquarius – a [false] millennium of “Peace On Earth,” to be ruled over by their ultimate Avatar, Lucifer/Satan.
Texe Marrs suggests that three rituals were enacted on 9/11, in a manner similar to that exposed by Michael Hoffman and James Shelby Downard in the JFK assassination. First, the two Masonic/Cabalistic towers of Joachim and Boaz were destroyed, as in the killing of Osiris (Satan), in order to rise again to preeminence [as in George Washington’s vision]. The plane downed in Pennsylvania signified the pagan rite of copulation between “Father Sky” and “Mother Earth,” and the Pentagon attack was to focus attention on the shift from the God of the Bible to the emergent “god of forces” (Daniel 11:38,39; “Star Wars” movies), the demon god of the Aquarian Age. Blood is the medium in which the seed of the new age grows.
Within days of the disaster, it was announced that the “GREEN Seals,” the Navy Special Forces, had been activated and were being sent to Pakistan. The Marine Corps changed its GREEN dragon patch, shifting the dragon from an adversarial to a supportive position. The first-ever Total Force “GREEN” identification (ID) cards have recently been issued to servicemen and women representing the seven U.S. military Reserve components. Bush’s plan to freeze the assets of the Terrorists was dubbed “Operation GREENquest.”
The GREENS in the U.S. were told to shut up and let our leader get about the important business of meditating on the relative merits of daisy-cutters, cluster bombs, and thermo-baric bombs, and they did, much to their subsequent dismay. The Administration used the “war” stories to obscure their anti-environmental agenda, and eased the laws to allow for a more convenient and thorough rape of the environment. I expect the dialectical pendulum to swing powerfully toward earth-preservation and even earth worship as the Seals progress. Jello Biafra pins his hopes for a better world on the GREENS in a recent interview in The Progressive: “And right now the strongest electoral arm of that movement [against globalization and corporate rule] is the GREEN Party.”
The concerns expressed by Al Hidell in the December 2001 issue of Paranoia have been affirmed not only by circumstances since then, but by other independent thinkers and investigators. Richard Mayberry, having studied out Foreign Affairs, expects the powder keg of “Chaostan” to lead most of the world into its abyss of vengeance; Ahmed Rashid in his book, “The Taliban” agrees; “The New Jackals” by Simon Reeve delineates the appearance of a new breed of terrorist, dedicated to mass destruction and willing and able to use the weapons thereof, against which Reeve sees little possible defense. Dr. Ranstorp of St. Andrews University, Scotland, has estimated that at least 60,000 young Muslims have received terrorist training from the [U.S. financed] mujahedin since 1979, and has characterized the West as, “staring at a bottomless pit.”
If there were few or no actual terrorists equipped to carry out the sophisticated psychodrama of 9/11, it seems virtually certain that the current course of action will guarantee an abundant supply. The “War on Illiteracy” produced more illiteracy; the “War on Poverty led to increased poverty; the “War on Drugs” provided more drugs. What can we expect from the “War on Terrorism”?
The Next-to-Last World War
World War 3 has been on the books since before 570 B.C., when the prophet Ezekiel wrote of it. It was “adapted” to fit the plans laid by Masons Guiseppe Mazinni and Albert Pike for a war between Islam and Judaism to ready the world for the anti-Christ. According to “Cutting Edge,” a report dated December 10, 1996, compiled and researched by The U.S. House of Representatives’ Task Force On Terrorism And Unconventional Warfare affirms that such nations as Syria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, and Egypt [all Muslim, i.e. GREEN] are planning and building for a final, devastating war of annihilation against Israel, including nuclear, biological and chemical weapons in a mix with conventional weapons, e.g., tanks, aircraft, and soldiers, all in massive, overwhelming numbers. This all fits with Ezekiel’s description of the “Gog/Magog” war in Ezekiel 38,39, except that Ezekiel says the army is on horseback. This could be merely metaphorical, but considering what a kick Rumsfield got out of our Special Forces riding on horseback with the Northern Alliance (though only a photo-op), it may be literal.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his books “Between Two Ages,” “The Grand Chessboard, and “Clash of Civilizations” affirms the plan of global war, and its desired result: “society would be dominated by an elite … unrestrained by the restraints of traditional … values. This elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public and keeping society under close surveillance and control.” Well, we’ve certainly got a good start on that. From Al Martin Raw:
“Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.”
— Julius Caesar
Joan Veon, whose life’s work is studying the Babylonian workings of the Illuminists, said before 9/11, “the world we now know will have to be changed as a result of some planned and managed catastrophe.”
Retired U.S. Army colonel, Donn de Grand Pr¹, the author of Confessions of an Arms Peddler and Window on America: “The 9/11 activity and horrific destruction of US property and lives was intentionally meant to trigger a psychological and patriotic reaction on the part of the US citizens, which is paving the way for “combined UN activity” (using the fig leaf of NATO) for striking key targets in both the Middle East/ South Asia and the Balkans. The goal continues to be ultimate destruction of all national sovereignty and establishment of a global government.”
The current catastrophe is attributed to the Muslim branch of “a world-wide terrorist network,” but it seems mighty peculiar that the brilliant and capable strategists who plotted the awesome aerial aerobics on 9/11 [which, like the Murrah building attack, destroyed crucial records in ongoing lawsuits against V.I.P.’s] haven’t been able to come up with anything since, other than a deranged dimwit trying to smoke his shoes. Nonetheless, however tenuous the justification, however cheesy the withheld “evidence,” our President seems determined to carry on his father’s work – the “great work”: “Now, we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.” (From Bush Sr.’s speech, Mar. 6, 1991).
Junior got a personal head start in the Blood Games as Governor of Texas, when he executed 152 prisoners during his term, establishing the highest kill rate of any Governor in U.S. history. Though he, like his father and grandfather, was “born anew” into the Order of Skull and Bones at Yale, he and many in the Administration have been heavily influenced by the “GREEN gospel,” this century’s cankerous combo of Manifest Destiny, Dominion theology and Eugenics, which assures rich men that they are rich because God loves them, and that they must take dominion over the earth. Toward that end, they are promoting a free-for-all ten-year “war” against “the evil ones,” who they can assert to be anywhere they’d like to bomb. The puerile public, except for a few courageous dissidents, has advanced no meaningful demurrals, and the co-opted Congress, with the admirable exceptions of Ron Paul and Barbara Lee, has capitulated.
I had originally thought that the Fourth Seal might be as short as one year, but the ten-year timeframe as outlined by this Administration looks more likely, with the war of Gog/Magog taking place near the end of it. The U.K. and the U.S. (the “young lions” of Ezekiel 38:13) and whatever’s left of the “coalition” will be financially and physically devastated, having no money, personnel, or materiel left to fight with. Earthquakes, tidal waves, famine, plagues and pestilence (natural and bio-chemical) will play a large part in the decimation, particularly if the top microbiologists keep dying prematurely and mysteriously at the rate they have been.
If the Bush/ Ashcroft/ Rumsfield/ Wolfowitz plans for the “war” are executed in accord with the current plan, and most of the 60 nations accused of harboring terrorists are targeted, the U.S. will have bombed a quarter of the earth into near oblivion, but the refugee camps created thereby will have produced millions of young madmen eager to get to their 72 virgins in the garden of Allah by taking vengeance on Israel and her “supporters.” By that time, quite a few of the remaining countries might have had more than enough of Pax Americana, and attempt to create a New World Order of their own.
The fact that the US sold 36.9 billion dollars worth of arms in the year 2000 alone, 68% of it to “developing nations,” and sales are increasing, ought to assist them in their efforts. However the details play out, 5/6 of the northern army that attempts to invade Israel will be destroyed, as many as one and a half billion human corpses will litter the landscapes, the world will be in utter chaos – think Argentina, Russia, Rwanda – and the time will be ripe for the U.N. to take over, and for the great fixer, the A.C., to make his heralded appearance. “It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance.” (President Bush 1 addressing the General Assembly of the U.N., February 1, 1992).
The populace will have been readied for a global monarchy not only by the horrors of the Fourth Seal, but by total disillusionment with “democracy,” as the “revelation of the method” will have continually exposed the ubiquitous lies and corruption. The A.C. will make a fine show of righting the wrongs, bringing justice, and redistributing the wealth a la Agenda 21, but his true nature and identity will be revealed when he demands that the world worship him and accept his mark of initiation into the Luciferic brotherhood.
Global I.D.
The earlier-rejected idea of National I.D. cards is becoming less detestable, as the government/media assures us that it will keep us safe from “the evil ones,” and most are fool enough to believe it. It’s a foregone conclusion: there will be first, National and/or Global I.D. cards (Mexicans already can’t cross the border legally without their laser-cards), and later an implanted chip, without which one cannot buy or sell (Revelation 13:16-18). It’s bound to have some really catchy name and a good deal of glamorous cachet when introduced, but God calls it the “mark of the beast,” and it spells eternal torment for those who receive it, since they’re signing up with Satan. In another prophecy unique to the Bible, this mark, somehow incorporating the number 666, as do our present bar-codes, will be “punctured or incised” into the right hand or forehead, preventing “identity theft”: Identity Theft Tops Consumer Fraud Complaints, Yahoo Headline, 1/23/002. Considering “Digital Angel” and Verichip you’d think some “freethinkers” might overcome their conditioning and perk up a bit regarding the Bible, particularly since all of its prophecies so far have been fulfilled with 100% accuracy, unlike those from every other source.
The same cannot be said, however, of current understandings of prophecies yet future, including my own. The elitists certainly know what’s going on, as they fulfill the plans of their dark Master. Brzezinsky, again, in the January, 1968, edition of Encounter: It will be “possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and to maintain up-to-date, complete files, containing even the most personal information about the health or personal behavior of the citizen in addition to more customary data. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authority.” That “authority” will be Mr. 666. Watch for him as events unfold. P
Bibliography, Resources:
“Christian” Dominionism, Third Reich, and the present Administration
Albert James Dager’s Vengeance is Ours and The World Christian Movement, Sword Publishers P.O. Box 290, Redmond, WA. 98073-0290
Hitler’s Cross, Erwin Lutzer, Moody Press, 1995
Bush family activities:
http://www.bushkills.com/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/InTheShadows/ Media/ Mass Mind Control/ Persecution/Government Deception and War
Lies We Live By, Carl Hausman , Routledge, 2000
Cloning of the American Mind, B.K. Eakman, Huntington House, 1998
Doublespeak, The New Doublespeak, William Lutz Dumbing Us Down, John Taylor Gatto, 1992
The Twilight of American Culture, Morris Berman, W.W. Norton & Co. 2001
The Death of Reality, Lawrence Dawson 1996
Humanity – A Moral History of the Twentieth Century, Jonathan Glover, Yale University Press, 2000
Anatomy of A Lie, Diane Kompf, Zondervan, 1998
The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media, Norman Solomon, Common Courage Press, 1999
Fourth Reich of the Rich and Descent Into Slavery, Des Griffin, Emissary Publications, 9205 SE Clackamas Road #1776, Clackamas, OR 97015
Government by Decree, James L. Hirsen, Ph.D., Huntington House, 1999
Skull and Bones, Brotherhood of Death:
Global Depression, Debt, Famine:
http://www.nettime.org/nettime.w3archive/199810/msg00147. html
Mc Alvany Intelligence Advisor, November 2001 P.O. Box 84904, Phoenix, AZ. 85071
Coming Chaos:
The New Yorker “What Terrorists Want,” Nicholas Lemann October 29, 2001
Mc Alvany Intelligence Advisor, February 2002
National/Global I.D.:
Current Ongoing Resources:
King James Bible