The Canyonlands of Utah: Lands of Ancient Star People
- August 29, 2016
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by Robert Morning Sky
SOURCE: UFO UNIVERSE Magazine, Spring 1996 edition
In May 1994, while leading a “Quest” with two friends, a gentleman from
New Zealand named Steve, and a woman from the “Land Down Under,”
Kathryn, I made a personal discovery that has made my life both exciting
and miserable. I discovered, by accident (if there is such a thing)…
the Canyonlands.
I often visited the Four Corners area as a youngster, my Grandfather
would take me to Chaco Canyon, a place of power, a place where it was
said the “Star People” visited and gave human beings knowledge. I
remember sitting on the hillsides watching the night sky, and as often
as not, the stars would come out and dance. Darting across the sky,
stopping in the blink of an eye and returning at dazzling speed to the
place from which they had come. Their incredible speed and bright
spinning movements captured my imagination.
When I asked what the “dancing lights” were, Grandfather told me that
they were “Spirit Dancers,” special beings born in the heavens. They
danced with tremendous speed, first up then down, and all the while
spinning furiously. I remember that vividly. When I first became aware
of Pow-wows, I was mesmerized by a “Fancy” dancer who wore “disks” on
his back. He had to be one of the “Spirit Dancers” that my Grandfather
had spoken about. I decided right then and there, that if I could, I
would become a “Fancy Dancer” one of those “Spirit Dancers”! I am proud
to say I achieved that goal.
And so, when I returned to Chaco Canyon with my friends, it was with
fond memories of my own beginnings, my own Quest to find self. But to my
surprise, Chaco Canyon, where I had once roamed freely and slept in dry
washes.. .was now closed! Visitors could only walk on designated
pathways, only marked trail travel was permitted! In effect, the place
we went to to watch and learn from “Star Beings” was off limits. Could
someone have found out what Native People knew all along, and decided to
keep it for themselves?
It was with saddened heart and a measure of anger that I decided to move
on. While looking at a map of the area, our eyes happened to catch a
glimpse of the Canyonlands National Park. Steve wondered if we might
have some success there, a Quest site was still our intent. I had heard
of the Canyonlands, the Utes I knew referred to the area as
“Crazylands,” a place where you did not want to go. It made you go
crazy, IF you came out at all.
And so with some trepidation, I accepted the suggestion, with their
encouragement, and we headed into the Canyonlands near Moab, Utah. My
God! If only I had known of this place before! It is one of the largest
national parks in the U.S. yet it is one of the most unpublicized. Its
wonders are the kind that take your breath away, its beauty is
unimaginable! Yet the National Park Service does not promote the Park
with any great vigor. Why? I was soon to find out.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am going to suggest to you, with confidence and
later substantiation, that the Canyon-lands of Utah was once the site of
an “extraterrestrial” colony!
While exploring the Canyonlands, Steve and Kathryn could not stop
commenting on the wonders of the Park, its definite surreal and
alien-like formations. It was like being on the moon or some far-distant
planet. The feelings of dizziness, the overwhelming emotional feelings
that overcame us we took to be part of the awe and giddiness one feels
on discovering a hidden treasure, the “find” of a lifetime. Our search
for a “Quest” site was complete. Over the next few days, we all achieved
what we had come for, our future paths were begun.
What I could not know is how often I would walk on these very trails
again, for less than one month later, I would be back in the
Canyonlands, but with far different results. On this trip, I was alone.
I had become intrigued on the first trip with the possibility that many
of the formations were a deliberately created phenomena and not the
result of natural erosion. Could they be three dimensional
representations of ancient extra-terrestrial glyphs? Could these “Star
Beings” have created them for us, so that we would remember?
While exploring a trail not on the official map, I found some dwellings
and glyphs that tended to support the premise that non-earth beings had
been in the area. To my surprise, my explorations were interrupted by
two individuals in green Ranger outfits. I was escorted rather gruffly
from the site all the while being threatened with fines for destruction
of archaeological sites, etc. Though I was not arrested, their words
conveyed the impression that they would not file legal “charges” if I
left and assured them that I would not return to this area again. Since
that was what they needed to hear that is what I agreed to. I was
unceremoniously dropped far from the site on an official Park road. I
walked back to my car and headed for home, determined never to hike THAT
trail into the forbidden site again! (I would take another one!)
After two more visits, I was convinced. There had been, and probably
still was, extra-terrestrial visitations to the Canyonlands. But I
wanted substantiation, I wanted someone else to see what I had seen, to
have the same opinion. And so I took a trek back into the Park with
witnesses, a camera crew and the host of a UFO program on public access
cable TV Advising the Park Rangers fully of our intent two months before
our visit, we discovered on arrival that our permits to camp in the
Canyonlands had not been issued, nor would we be allowed to charge
batteries for our video cameras as we had agreed upon earlier. The host
of the TV program was also told, with witnesses around him, that though
no parts of the Park were closed to us, there were parts of the
Canyonlands that the Park Service did not want us to visit, ostensibly
so as to preserve the sites.
After this hours long episode, we retired to basecamp to plan the next
mom-ing’s hike. That evening, we were almost blown out of the park by a
wind that was incessant and never ending in its powerful gusting. And
curiously, just before nightfall, a Parklands Ranger came by our site.
It was odd, because we were actually five miles onto BLM land, NOT
Parklands at all! We spent the night around the fire, laughing. It
seemed as if someone, or something, was trying to keep us from visiting,
and staying, in the Park. We joked about it, recalling the events of the
evening before. A “freak storm” (as the local police termed it) dumped
snow on the road into the Canyonlands. We were forced to cram our eight
bodies into a motel room which is best now described as a room in the
Twilight Zone. One of the women woke up with a bruise-like bump on her
cheek. I was startled awake in the night by the feeling I had been
slashed by a cat or some creature. Blood was on my lip and an obvious
sliced area appeared on my lips in the morning. But most strange of all,
our camera-man was visited with visions throughout the night. He had
seen long ‘sparklers* weaving in and out of our host’s sleeping bag as
he and his girl slept. (It has since given birth to the name “Sparky”
for our host.) The camera man also saw soldiers in the mirror of our
room and spent the night in and out of the room smoking cigarette after
cigarette, sleep was not one of his options for the night. We laughed,
strange things were afoot we kidded, strange things indeed.
We arose the next morning and departed for Elephant Hill trailhead,
departure point for the hike to Druid Arch. What a surprise to find a
Ranger waiting for us. He asked for me by name and asked about our
purpose in visiting the site. A rather lengthy and heated discussion
between the camera crew and our friend seemed to allay his concerns and
we began our hike. Determined not to give the Rangers any reason to walk
me out of the Park again, I followed the trail signs. Three times we
encountered a sign which read “Druid Arch 3.7 mi.” We joked again at how
the Rangers must be running just ahead of us, placing the same sign over
and over again in our path to our goal. After nine miles, the trail
ended in a canyon, with no way out. Disappointed and tired, we returned
to our cars… another Ranger was waiting. Once again, we were made to
repeat our story and re-assure him that we were following all
regulations and were not in violation of any rules. The eerie thing
about this Ranger was that he knew exactly where we were camping! He
identified it by name, something we did not even know! We talked a
little that night, it was not as funny as it had been. The rest of the
night we were pelted, drenched, in one of the heaviest rainstorms we had
ever seen in our lives. Something did not want us there.
The next day, we visited the “Islands,” another part of the Park. It was
emotional, it was eye-opening, but it did not bring any further trouble
to our visit. We enjoyed the day and returned to camp, somewhat
refreshed, but still very disappointed at not reaching Druid Arch, our
intended goal.
We awoke the last day, resolved to reach the Arch. Five of us departed
to the Trailhead again… and to our surprise, no Ranger was waiting.
This time I did not follow the signs. We hiked directly to the Arch and
shot our video. On the way back, one of the camera crew aggravated an
injury and had to be assisted down the trail. As we finally descended
the last rock-face which leads into the parking lot, we were greeted
again by one of the Park-land’s finest. He singled me out and his first
words were “I’m not going to arrest you… but…” Once again, our story
had to be repeated, once again we had to assure a Park representative
that we were “legit.” That done once again, we returned to camp and
prepared to leave in the morning.
The trip had been memorable to say the least. I was not disappointed, I
had witnesses to my findings… and to my not uncommon visitations by
In the “Needles” region of the Park, canyon after canyon tells the story
of an ancient extra-terrestrial presence and to its tragic end. In one
canyon, granite stone still bares cuts made with such precision and
straightness that a stonecutter today would be hard pressed to
duplicate. In another canyon, an enormous rectangular block weighing
over 500 Ibs. moved from its original bed… upstream! A huge several
ton block, engraved with an upside down triangle, evokes a sense of
dread or disturbing, draining feelings.
In other canyons, scorch marks tell the story of heat or laser beam
battles. A constructed wall towers over 200 feet into the
air and clearly shows evidence of two massive laser strikes, the lack of
stone rubble evidence shows that this was not from natural erosion.
Spires reach into the sky everywhere, some obviously “carved” into three
dimensional glyphs.
And finally there is the Druid Arch, a replica of Stonehenge over 500
feet high. Is it coincidence that hikers, on the canyon floor below,
cannot see the massive arch, that it is only visible from one particular
ledge on the canyon wall opposite it?
Is it possible that something was going on in this area, thousands of
years ago? That “Star Beings” actually resided in and re-built the
Canyon walls to suit their needs, and/or their artistic desires? Are the
Canyonlands an Art Gallery, a testimonial to extra-terrestrial beauty?
Or could it be a gallery of three dimensional glyphs designed to
re-awaken an ancient memory buried deep within each one of us?
I have since taken several groups back to the Canyonland Park with me,
so that they may witness for themselves, these alien wonders. The
unusual events and Ranger presences have not ended. In support of the
National Park Service, I must say that I am convinced that no “official”
Canyonlands Park Ranger has ever presented himself before any of my
visits, I am persuaded that there is “another” Ranger force present in
the Canyonlands. (An official statement by the Park Service reveals that
no Ranger was in the area during one ‘incident’ witnessed by our group.
Several members of that visit swear they saw Park Rangers in the
vicinity of the “non-event.”)
I shall sum up this letter with a partial listing of the strangest
occurrences during visits of the Summer of ’95.
Canyonlands Trip=9715 June Thursday to 18 June Sunday
Several witnesses watched stones move up and down in the center of a dry
river bed.
Several witnesses watched a blue light move ahead of the group through
the hillsides.
A huge boulder weighing thousands of pounds, a landmark of the hike to
Druid Arch, is “missing.” No one sees it on the trail up.. .it is there
on the way down!
Stone spires tower to the left as hikers go by. Moments later, the
hikers look back, the spires lean another way.
Hikers “disappear.” In a restaurant, two of them do not see the main
body leave, the main body cannot find them. At an entrance station, two
different hikers are “lost.” Only seconds behind the main body, they
cannot see the group, the main group cannot find them.
An unusual storm hits in the night. Thunder that sounds like an unending
jet engine whine; lightning without thunder or sound; hikers in tents
feel themselves being lifted up as though levitated; winds pummel the
tents, damaging one; some hikers seek refuge in their truck, the tail
lights suddenly, without reason, come on and cannot be turned off; the
storms fury beats down all night yet some hikers are in a very deep
slumber and remember nothing; strange lights glow in the far distance.
The next morning on a table in the very center of camp, a potato chip
bag, a nearly empty water bottle, and a bag of cookies remained unmoved.
(From every indication, the camp was the subject of a low altitude UFO
fly-by, directly overhead! Witness the scene in Close Encounters of the
Third Kind when the unsuspecting Richard Drey-fuss is stopped at a
railroad crossing and has a small craft fly over his truck.) [More on
this incident below.]
An “incident” takes place. Rangers are spotted where no Rangers are
assigned (Official Parklands position). Unusual emotions are evoked in
two hikers, they display distress and disturbing anger.
Canyonlands Trip=97June 28 Wednesday to July 1 Saturday
Each crew member finds that it takes over 9 hours to get from Phoenix to
the Canyonlands. Normally it takes only six hours, each member finds the
trip draining.
A pulsing light on a near-by mesa keeps the participants up late on the
very first night. Suddenly, a beam of light, as sharp as a knife,
reaches up into the sky. It remains in full view of all hikers for
several minutes before fading.
Three crew members leave camp in a car headed toward the light, the
light fades away. Rain falls over all the entire area, no clouds are in
the sky.
On the hike to Druid Arch, several hikers see the walls of the wash
pulsing before them, moving in and out.
Crew member #1 has his camera malfunction. Crew member #2 has her camera
malfunction that night. Crew member #3 is asked to take pictures, his
camera malfunctions. A hiker is asked to take pictures, his camera
A disk streaks across the sky. It moves erratically but takes only
seconds to go from the western horizon into a low cloud over the mesa
with the glowing, pulsing light.
One hiker’s car has all electrical systems die. Moments later, it
returns to life. Hours later while travelling, it resets its own clock.
Still later, its electrical systems, once again shut down only to
restart. The driver of the car tries a restaurant machine that
supposedly measures “passion levels.” She places her hand on the device,
it soars to its highest level then promptly shuts down.
A late night storm treats hikers to an “unusual” display of lights in
the distance. No thunder is heard.
And finally…
The last morning of this trip, several hikers picked up a newspaper from
the previous week out of curiosity. This issue revealed the story of a
pilot caught in an “unusual” electrical storm the week before. Lights on
the runway at the Park airport malfunctioned and did not come on. Pilot
and wreckage were found one and a half miles north and east of the
What makes this newspaper article noteworthy is that it reveals the date
of the storm as the same Friday night that I believe a UFO flew
overhead. The crash site was not more than a mile from our base camp.
One of the hikers commented as she heard the link-up: “He had to die. He
saw something they didn’t want him to see.”
Could this be true?
It has become my blessing… and my curse. I plan more trips to the
Canyon-lands. If you go, be careful!
This is, after all,…the Canyon-lands of Utah, “Land of the Ancient
Star People!”
Editor’s Note:
Robert Morning Sky may be contacted at:
4727 E Bell Rd, Suite 45-311
Phoenix, AZ 85032
Email: [email protected]
This article is reprinted without permission from: UFO UNIVERSE Magazine,
Spring 1996 edition