Mystery Men in Black Plague UFO Witnesses
- August 17, 2016
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By The Modern People Staff
Originally Published in UFO Reports
Thousands of people, after having seen a UFO, are paid an unusual visit afterwards by mysterious men in black suits. These men warn the witness not to reveal any knowledge of the incident to anyone and many times these visitors illegally confiscate photos of the UFO or other information the person may have recorded. The strangest thing is that most of the time these mystery men question the witness before the witness even has a chance to tell anyone of the incident.
Who are these strange men??
Someone or some group is trying to keep the truth from coming out. A California man in 1966 photographed a UFO and quickly rushed to his ·lab to develop the film. The
A California man in 1966 photographed a UFO and quickly rushed to his ·lab to develop the film. The prints he got were excellent and he hung them up to dry not telling anyone about his experience. When he returned to his darkroom he discovered that all his prints and the negatives of the UFO were stolen. All the other expensive equipment in his darkroom was left untouched. Someone was after the UFO photos and only the photos. But who could have known of the photographer’s experience? There have been several reports’ of citizens finding their UFO photos were stolen even
Someone was after the UFO photos and only the photos. But who could have known of the photographer’s experience? There have been several reports’ of citizens finding their UFO photos were stolen even
There have been several reports’ of citizens finding their UFO photos were stolen even while they were just hanging up to dry. Others report strange men in Air Force uniforms confiscating UFO photos from people who witnessed a UFO landing.
Col. George P. Freeman, Pentagon spokesman for the Air Force’s Project Bluebook denied that these men are in anyway working for the Atr Force. “We haven’t been able to find anything about them,” Col. Freeman stated. “By posing as Air Force officers and government agents they are committing a Federal offense. We would sure like to catch one.”
The Air Force has yet been able to catch one, but they haven’t really been trying. Since the 1950s, government agencies, headed by the CIA, have been attempting to cover up reports indicating the reality of UFOs. The CIA labeled the sightings as “swamp gas” and all involved with the CIA went along with the statements not believing the existence of flying saucers. The CIA watched UFO investigators closely and private UFO organizations were labeled by the CIA as irresponsible and that, “the possible use of such groups for subversive purposes should be kept in mind.” The CIA by ordering a watch over UFO investigators actually gave other government agencies the Incentive to go out and harass UFO investigators and witnesses. It’s possible that the CIA knew a great deal more about UFOs than they were publicly admitting in the 1950s. A great many flying saucers were reportedly spotted during WW 11 and perhaps heavy investigation by government agencies was conducted into the matter discovering facts too startling to release to the public. in 1947, Harold Dahl, Fred Chrisman and Dahl’s son were boating on the Puget Sound when they spotted a UFO. The boy’s arm was injured and the boat was badly
The CIA watched UFO investigators closely and private UFO organizations were labeled by the CIA as irresponsible and that, “the possible use of such groups for subversive purposes should be kept in mind.” The CIA by ordering a watch over UFO investigators actually gave other government agencies the Incentive to go out and harass UFO investigators and witnesses. It’s possible that the CIA knew a great deal more about UFOs than they were publicly admitting in the 1950s. A great many flying saucers were reportedly spotted during WW 11 and perhaps heavy investigation by government agencies was conducted into the matter discovering facts too startling to release to the public. in 1947, Harold Dahl, Fred Chrisman and Dahl’s son were boating on the Puget Sound when they spotted a UFO. The boy’s arm was injured and the boat was badly
The CIA, by ordering a watch over UFO investigators, actually gave other government agencies the Incentive to go out and harass UFO investigators and witnesses. It’s possible that the CIA knew a great deal more about UFOs than they were publicly admitting in the 1950s. A great many flying saucers were reportedly spotted during WW 11 and perhaps heavy investigation by government agencies was conducted into the matter discovering facts too startling to release to the public. in 1947, Harold Dahl, Fred Chrisman and Dahl’s son were boating on the Puget Sound when they spotted a UFO. The boy’s arm was injured and the boat was badly
It’s possible that the CIA knew a great deal more about UFOs than they were publicly admitting in the 1950s. A great many flying saucers were reportedly spotted during WW 11 and perhaps heavy investigation by government agencies was conducted into the matter discovering facts too startling to release to the public. n 1947, Harold Dahl, Fred Chrisman and Dahl’s son were boating on the Puget Sound when they spotted a UFO. The boy’s arm was injured and the boat was badly
In 1947, Harold Dahl, Fred Chrisman and Dahl’s son were boating on the Puget Sound when they spotted a UFO. The boy’s arm was injured and the boat was badly damaged by a strange slaglike substance which was shot out of the flying object. The incident wasn’t reported for several days afterward, yet on the very next morning, Dahl received a visit from a mysterious stranger. The stranger in a black suit warned Dahl not to make mention of his experience “if he valued his job and his family”.
Who was this man in black? Many reports tell of similar “men in black” paying similar visits just hours after a UFO sighting. Citizens, even Naval officers, after witnessing a UFO have been taken into strange offices by men in black, sometimes claiming to be government officials, and warned to sign an oath of secrecy or else.
These mystery men appear all over the world using many different guises ranging from posing as vacuum cleaner salesman to posing at FBI agents.
But most of the time these intruders don’t even identify themselves. Government officials are always quick to prove their identification so these imposters could in now way be associated with the FBI or CIA.
Still, they are doing what the CIA wanted – helping cover up the truth about unidentified flying objects.
As the amount of UFO sightings increases so do reports of these strange questioning men.
Many times witnesses refuse to speak to anyone after spotting a UFO, which leads one to believe then he was paid a threatening visit by one of these men In black. Others have been found mysteriously dead after they witnessed a UFO. And some cases report the disappearance of entire families.
Since the Air Force usually conducts investigations by mail or phone and FBI and CIA agents are always sure to identify themselves – then who are these mystery men who plague UFO witnesses? The possibility is that these strange men in black, who seem to have as much knowledge of the UFO sighting as the witness himself, are actually UFO occupants-
The possibility is that these strange men in black, who seem to have as much knowledge of the UFO sighting as the witness himself, are actually UFO occupants-aliens trying to prevent their existence from being known. People who reportedly have seen UFO occupants many times say that the aliens they saw looked very much like humans. Their complexion is usually described as being dark and they are reported as being dressed in coveralls much like those worn by an Air Force pilot.
In 1967, a woman in Long Island was paid a strange visit by two “Indians”. The woman became frightened because the men said that her land once belonged to their tribe and that they planned to take it away from her. The woman had no knowledge of the various UFO sightings that were recently reported in her area so she has no idea that the “Indians” might be the darkskinned aliens. What she did notice was that both men wore clean neatlyshined shoes and that there was no automobile outside.
The woman lives in an isolated area on a narrow dirt road. It had rained terribly and the road and lawn was a muddy mess. The woman couldn’t figure out how the men got to her house without a car or mud on their shoes.
Is it possible that all of these mystery men who seem to appear out of nowhere are actually UFO occupants?
Very possible….