In this issue:

  1. Bacteria and the Origins of Disease by Dr. Alan Cantwell Jr.
  2. The United States of Europe and the Merovingian Master Plan by Tracy Twyman
  3. Why is Was Time for Saddam to Go: Hidden Economics of the Iraq Wars by Al Hidell
  4. Dark World of Microbiology and Secret Intelligence by Gordon Thomas
  5. The Van Dyke Letters by Hartford Van Dyke
  6. Food Fights: The Myths and Truths of Genetically Engineered Food Stuff by Jeffrey M. Smith
  7. Satan Wants you: Anton LaVey, Jayne Mansfield and the Mystic Sixties by Gary Lachman
  8. Dan Brown vs. History by Martin Cannon
  9. What China Thinks of Us by The People’s Republic of China

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