Zika: Get Sun And Sprayed On Miami Beach
- January 22, 2017
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by Ian Hamilton Trottier
Not All Is Glitter And Gold In The Sunshine State
Welcome To Zika Miami Beach 2016: Where You Can Get Sun, Sand, And Death Spray
Nefarious Naled
At 5 a.m. the crop duster buzzed over Miami as I lie in bed. Life dramatically changed after that. What was that smell? Why were my eyes red? Why was my chest now suddenly irritated? Soon after, I started spotting dead birds on the side of the road. A friend told me her Angel Fish died; another one in the tank developed a strange growth.
From here on out, planes started spraying once a week on Sundays before dawn. The incident would last about 30 minutes. The first plane took off during the early morning of Friday, Sept. 9. Next we heard bees died. The local high school stayed home in protest. By week three, they’d extended the spraying zone.
Breathe deep, hold. Smack! A mosquito landed on my arm one morning. Did that mean I now had Zika?
The flight that stands out in my mind flew on a Saturday to accommodate Sunday’sMack Cycle Escape to Miami Triathlon. The following day, world class athletes performed amid toxins. That morning I had to be up and out of the house at 6:30 a.m. Rushing to my car, things just didn’t smell right and I found myself holding my breath. Outside felt like a war zone. I felt like a plane was dropping a bomb on me, spraying a toxic gas. There was nothing I could do about it. I was weaponless. We were told that waiting at least an hour ensured it was safe to go outside.
And The DEET Goes On
To find out more, I decided to attend a city council meeting in Miami Beach. Before the meeting, warnings about Zika seemed real. The way local and national media were describing it, I, like others, were scared to death by its threat. Twitter. Facebook. Mainstream news. Every time I turned on the television or radio, local government agencies were telling us to reconsider travel, procreation, and to apply poisonous DEET.
And then I learned that Naled, the poison they spray over us to supposedly protect us from Zika, is even worse! And then there’s also Duet. South Beach continues to get a healthy dosing of that chemical, too. I frequently hear the Clarke pesticide trucks spray at 2 a.m. This rodeo continues to stage. I keep video footage.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claim that Naled does not pose a health risk to either people or pets when sprayed in low concentrations. But many others, including the European Union, disagree. The EU has banned agricultural use of products containing Naled.
According to Mike Adams of Health Ranger, DEET in conjunction with a spray like Naled combine to form a hyper-toxic chemical compound. “A biological chemical weapon.” Presumably murdering white blood cell counts. For instance, this articleshows how the pesticide chemical triphenyltin weakens the immune system by “reducing the tumor-killing ability of natural killer cells by 50 to 60 percent.” DEET and Naled are considered to be far more toxic.
The bureaucracy I witnessed blew my fuse. For the first time in my life, I felt like my government was objectively trying to harm its people. Unfortunately, it took a plane to douse me with poison for me to wake up to what was going on.
Following the meeting, I proclaimed to CBS reporter Michele Gillen that members of the Miami Beach City Commission were a bunch of “puppets.” I estimate that there were about 350 people in that chamber. Three hundred were against Naled. Yet the commission bowed and kissed feet of Miami-Dade deputy mayor Alina Hudak, who stated Naled needed to be used.
Before Hudak’s testimony, it seemed the commission was strongly considering a one week moratorium to suspend spraying. But when Hudak stood and spoke, their demeanor changed and it was as if her words were their command.
She responded directly to critics in the audience while emphasizing that the decision to spray Naled was made after consultation with state agriculture officials and CDC.
“I don’t make decisions based on Google searches,” she said in response to the outcries.
Rather than just blindly trusting the CDC, let’s look at the Insecticide Fact Sheet. Naled, which has been registered for use in the U.S. since 1959 and is sold under the brand name Dibrom, is an organophosphate, a group of insecticides or nerve agents acting on the enzyme acetylcholinesterase.
I could see strings being pulled and not only from the County level but, coming from Tallahassee Scott Capital Partners, the hedge fund owned by Florida governor Rick Scott. For instance, they own Mosquito Control Services LLC as well as Pharmaca, a pharmaceutical company. Is Rick cashing-in on this? It’s certainly a valid question.
Watch Ian Trottier At Miami Beach City Hall Naled Protest – ZIKA Spraying
Put A Thinking Fedora On And A Gas Mask
Art Basel just passed through Miami. An additional 100,000 people on South Beach. I wanted to hire a banner-carrying plane to inform everyone they’re being poisoned.
Americans are walking blind.
Shortly after the sprayings, a hurricane hit. I grabbed my surfboard. After a few hours on the waves I spent the next two weeks in bed, sick. Turns out that Naled breaks down into an even more toxic chemical. And the half-life more than doubles in water.
According to the CDC, the chemical dichlorvos (DDVP) can be created when Naled degrades. It also breaks down quickly. What about the sea turtles? The City of Miami Beach is a nesting habitat to three federally protected species.
The findings published at Miami CAN (Citizens Against Naled) and partner site, Stop Spraying, completely debunk many mainstream claims including the very important following statement:
“The CDC has concluded that Zika does cause microcephaly … There is still a lot that we don’t know, but there’s no longer any doubt.” — CDC Director Tom Frieden, M.D.
[Editor’s Note: I believe a term for such an ambiguous quote is “false profundity.”]What do you mean there’s no longer any doubt, Tom? Microcephaly was traced to a monkey in Uganda 69 years ago and has been considered a benign virus up until now! But, the CDC is an astute government organization that can be trusted, right? Stop Spraying shows ZERO correlation between Zika and microcephaly.
Meanwhile, if someone gives birth to a microcephaly baby, you would need to consider circumstances that could potentially damage the brain growth period. Was it pesticides? Was it a combination of exposures? In fact, pesticides have been shown to damage or weaken the immune system. The science of how chemicals affect the immune system is called “immunotoxicology.”
For example, if repeated pesticide exposures weakened a person’s immune system, they would not be able to deal with Zika. A healthy immune system could deal with the virus.
Mainstream media won’t tell you that typically 25,000 microcephaly babies are born in the United States annually. Comparing the rate of microcephaly in the U.S. to Brazil, the U.S. rate is 40 times higher. And our babies here didn’t get it from Zika. So from what? According to the CDC they get it from, “exposure to harmful substances, such as alcohol, certain drugs, or toxic chemicals.” Toxic chemical insecticides like Chlorpyrifos; not to mention flu vaccines.
Of great importance is this study showing that the flu vaccine TdaP (Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis) also plays a role in the development of microcephaly. TdaP contains aluminum salts which are known to cause birth defects according to a 1982 study by Alberto Rotundo. Women in Brazil were timely and mandatorily given the TdaP flu vaccination in 2014. Microcephaly broke out in 2015.
Incidentally, the human brain grows at 4,000 cells per second beginning the fourth week of pregnancy. Meanwhile, this Oslo study shows Naled DIRECTLY causes microcephaly in a developing child with basically zero immune system; catastrophic.
I conversed with Dr. Laura Rodrigues, a professor of infectious disease and epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. In an email Laura states: “Microcephaly could have existed before the epidemic—caused by a range of other factors, from genetics to infections and radiation and toxic exposures.”
These are the very immunotoxic elements of the environment I speak of; the accumulative effects and interactions of the chemicals we get exposed to. Naled plus DEET plus Duet equals very sick.
In our environment, fear over immunotoxicology is of concern.
“We can say with accuracy that if trends of being exposed to toxins continue at present pace, half the population, for instance, will have diabetes and asthma in 35 years. These numbers are unsustainable financially, not to mention the dramatic loss in quality of life,” writes Richard Pressinger of Chem-Tox.
This Swedish study shows alarming cancer trends over the past 80 years and strongly suggests it is because of environmental exposures. When looking back at cancer rates of the 1940’s, ’50’s and ’60’s – they are only a fraction of what is occurring today. Perhaps not coincidentally, the CDC rarely gives cancer rates for before 1970. If they did, people would panic.
Then there’s the dumbing down effect. According to David Bellinger of the Harvard Medical School, Americans have lost “16.9 million IQ points due to exposure to organophosphates.” And, loss of another 24.1 million due to lead and mercuryexposure.
Once these chemicals enter the bloodstream, regardless of age, damage occurs. Chemicals like Naled negatively affect the brain’s ability to complete, expand, act-on, develop, and process thought.
Damage the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and your brain begins to have problems completing functions. Prohibiting AChE function by exposure to Naled and other such chemicals like organophosphates or carbamates can cause onset of diseases like, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and seizures, according to the European Bioinformatics Institute—an international, innovative and interdisciplinary organization, specializing in data in the life sciences.
And then there’s the question of money. Sickness is lucrative to some. According toScience Daily, exposure to chemicals commonly found in things like plastic bottles, detergents, toys, cosmetics, and pesticides total to about $340 billion in annual health care costs.
Vice City Salsa
Now, some Miami heat:
“The caffeine drink you’re hustling is more dangerous than Naled,” Hank Campbell, resident of the American Council on Science and Health, replied to me in an email when I expressed my concerns about Naled. What? The energy drink I like is more toxic than an insecticide known to deform children’s brains? RepXplosion, the drink he was referring to, contains high levels of caffeine, branched chain amino acids, multivitamins, along with artificial flavoring, and controversial dyes. If I have to choose I’ll go with something that helps me “crush my reps” over permanent neurological symptoms.
After the city council meeting, I wanted to form a peaceful human protest outside the Kendall-Tamiani Executive Airport. But an attorney advised me against this. “Whoever is thinking of protesting will most likely be arrested immediately and charged with a felony … they might even tag on a terrorist charge. Be careful.”
Now that’s a quick two-step … and a real smooth trumpet. Did she just say, “terrorist?” My family arrived to Quebec in 1640. San Francisco in 1890. We built much of Utah and Wyoming. I’m indirectly related to a founding father. Hamilton. I can’t speak my mind? You’re the terrorist!
Everybody’s Got An Uncle In Miami
Some days ago, I engaged NPR reporter Michaeleen Doucleff on Twitter. She holds a Ph.D. from Cal Berkeley in chemistry. I sent her two studies. One on NALED. One on DEET. Both on my website. Not good enough.
“Thanks, Ian. That one study is in guinea pigs. Is there any evidence in people?” So, I sent her this study on human beings that clearly shows pesticides caused reduction in head circumference. Keep in mind that the pesticides in the study are FAR less toxic than what was used in Miami (Naled). She now won’t return my calls.
“The clash of opposites makes for progress. If you can control the opposites, you dominate the nature of the outcome.” — Antony Sutton, Stanford Hoover Fellow
Petroleum drives global economy. Cars and planes. Naled is a petroleum product. Chevron introduced it in 1956. It’s currently manufactured by American Vanguard Chemical (AMVAC). Basically a Dutch bank. Incidentally, this chemical pesticide has been banned by the European Union.
Meanwhile, pyriproxyfen, one of the main chemicals the Brazilian government uses against mosquitoes is a Sumutomo product, owned by Valent, which is also a Chevron company. Sumatomo is also a subsidiary of the company Monsanto, which has now merged with Bayer.
Oh and Zika was first patented by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Over in Brazil, the vaccine Tdap, used in pregnancy and the larvicides Pyriproxyfen have been tied to public reports of Zika and microcephaly.
According to the New England Complex Systems Institute, Pyriproxyfen’s “structure mimics the role of juvenile hormone, which has been shown to correspond in mammals to a number of molecules including retinoic acid … retinoic acid during development has been shown to cause microcephaly.”
In Pernambuco, Brazil for example, pyriproxyfen was sprayed, yet also added to the drinking water. It was here that microcephaly became epidemic. Control the air you breath and water you drink. Do you now see your hands being tied? Hegelian philosophy. Sutton. Control opposites.
Zika Miami Beach: Don’t Spray Me, Bro
The Naled has stopped for now but the Duet continues and I’ve got to find a new coastline to surf. Congress recently passed $1.1 BILLION to fund this “epidemic.” Meanwhile, Stop Spraying is raising funds to air a national television commercial for Super Bowl LI. Join the effort here.

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