Mr. Strange’s Improbable Destinations: Kodhini – The Indian village of twins
- March 7, 2018
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By Mr. Strange & Anastasiia Shkuro
How many children would you like to have? This question usually worries every couple. But Indian parents solved this problem in an interesting way. There is a special area Kodhini in Kerala state which has the biggest number of twins ever. How is it possible? Let’s find out.
It remains a mystery why in Kerala twins are born six times more often than anywhere in the world. The village became the residence of nearly 2000 families with 204 pairs of twins. According to the information of National Geographic, six children from 1000 newly born kids are twins, but in Kerala village such indicators do not work. For instance, in 2008 among 300 infants there were 15 pairs of twins. Generally, during the last 6 year more than 60 pairs of twins were born in Kerala.
In the same time, Indian doctor and scientist Krisnana Sribiju counted nearly 350 pairs of twins. He told that statistics has certain gaps in its calculations and the number of twins in Kerala is much bigger than it is expected to be.
What is even more surprising, India is considered to have the lowest level of twins birth rate. It seems Kerala breaks the stereotypes.
The local citizens claim that twins started appearing in this area about three generations ago, approximately 60-70 years ago. The scientists tried to study the nutrition of village residents and citizens of the metropolis. They wanted to figure out some special product that could explain such unbelievable raise of twins birth rate. But there was nothing special. Consequently, there is no biological explanation that could shed light on this phenomenon.
The only scientific proof refers to the research of the scholar Krisnana Sribiju. He wanted to help the women who suffer from infertility. So, he watched the mystery of Kerala village as the possible source of help or field for investigation. If the product or chemicals that influence birth rate had been found out, it would have been easier to solve the problem with infertility in other regions. Finally, Krisnana Sribiju came to conclusion that phenomenon might be connected with the local water. But, this evidence is also a bit obscure and does not help to understand the situation clearly. In addition to that, residents of Kerala village accept neither chemical supplements nor unique diet.
There is one more fact that made scientists consider Kerala village as the one that has special fantastic atmosphere. Women born in Kerala who moved away from the motherland also give birth to twins. Isn’t it a mystery?
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