1. Articles,  short stories, book or movie reviews relating to all aspects of conspiracy. Personal accounts and testimonials are welcome if they are balanced with substance. Author must strive to give enough detail that the reader can formulate situations, patterns, agendas, etc.

2. List your sources in the bibliography at the end of the article. To cite a source within the context of the article, put author’s name and page number in parentheses, then that author’s work in the bibliography at the end.

3. Accompanying graphics and artwork are most welcome and should be sent with 300 DPI resolution.

4. Articles may be edited for space or clarity. The editor will do everything possible to review revised version with the author before publication. However, all editorial decisions are final.

5. Articles should be sent via either e-mail to [email protected]

Double-space if possible. For emphasis, use italics instead of underlining or caps. Also, italics for books, magazines, journals or movies. Brief subheads for various sections help to break up long text. Punctuation marks INSIDE quotation marks!

6. Article length: 4,000 word count, maximum. Long articles may be broken up and run consecutively. However, no series, please.

7. Paranoia does not pay for articles, except for a trade of 1/4 page ad.

8. Email publisher for deadline: [email protected]

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